
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Best DIY Project of April - Redoing The Foyer

Last year, our foyer looked like this....not sure why I thought it looked pretty good...

Then at Christmas time, I took things down and never put it back together.

I just hung two pictures on the nails that were still there..definitely, not looking so good.

I got both of these items at Goodwill, the frame was spray painted and I added a different picture.

This is a cute sign I got at Hobby Lobby last spring.

I got (took) this sign from my daughter..

Another picture from Hobby the blue...

I found this shutter at Goodwill and spray painted it. I actually got this wreath at Goodwill too!

I'm starting to get the cottage look in my house

I even spray painted the mirror that's at the bottom of the steps...

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at Beneath My Heart.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thrifty Finds

I stayed away from thrifting this weekend since I'll be out thrifting on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday. This week offically starts the rummage season with the biggest rummage and it's a lot of fun to see what people are selling and see what we end up buying.

I've hadthis cute lady bug teapot for awhile now and got her at Goodwill. I've been waiting for the weather to warm up so that I could show her off.

I also found this teapot at Goodwill this winter. I tend to find my best finds off season, now is a good time to find Christmas things.

At Easter time, Crystal and I went shopping and I found these violets. They look so real and came with the egg crate.

And here it is together on our covered deck. I like that everything stays dry and clean, especially since this weekend has been cool and rainy.

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Make sure to check out all the other creative people.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Blog Love

This week's feature for Sunday Blog Love is a blog that introduced me to the world of blogging.

I use to spend lots of time looking at Rate My Space and
I came across Single Mom On Budget.
She had a note that she had a blog and because I didn't know what a blog was, I checked it out.
My Romantic Home.

Here are some of my favorite pictures.

Here's her bedroom, I believe it might be diffent now but I love the cream color with light touches of pink.

And this teacup tree is so pretty!

The hutch and table were painted and they look fantastic together.

Her backyard patio, there's quite a few pictures, I picked this one because I love white wicker.

And she painted her kitchen cupboards, made the curtain and how about the plates - don't they look perfect there?

The steps going to the bedrooms, love all the mirrors...

There's not much that doesn't get painted, this dresser and mirror are fabulous.

And I love the mirror with the plates surrounding it.
Did you notice her coffee table?
Just beautiful!

Is there a blog that inspired you?

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Backyard

We've spent the past two weekends working on the backyard, okay DH did most of the work...I was there for moral support - right DH?

See the huge pile of mulch bags on the patio? We ended up laying down 80 bags and could probably use another 30 bags to fill everything in nicely.

We had edging all around but wanted something a little higher because the rain would wash the mulch into the yard. We laid about 250 feet of this edging..

DH is hard at work here.

I decided to take some pictures and show you my birdhouse that I got last summer.

 This yard ornament came from Pier One, got it last weekend! I love Pier One!

This teacup and saucer are from Goodwill and we glued it on a copper pipe and put it in the yard.

Too soon to see much growth yet so things look kind of bare.

Here's the edging all done, doesn't it looks so nice..and neat?

My rhubarb plant, I've already made a yummy dessert on Sunday. I wished I had more than one plant.

One week later, things are really starting to pop up.

The teacart is a find from Goodwill this past winter. I'm hoping to paint two chairs this weekend to add to the space.

We also made a designated space for the tomato plants. We use to have two whiskey barrels and it wasn't very nice to look at.

We should be able to plant tomatoes and lots of flowers in the next couple of weeks!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Has this week flown by or what?

This is what I have above the workbench in the garage. I have no idea who put the "Behave" there but I love it.

I got this wood box off eBay many years ago, and sadly the seller was on my favorite list but hasn't sold anything for a long time...

This garden tool set was one of my finds this past weekend. It came in a tool box and everything was so dirty..

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