
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Blog Love

Happy Sunday!

I've missed a few Sundays showing blogs that I'm here's my most recent find...

Have you seen this blog before?

Don't you just love this window? So simply and very elegant!

Always love looking at painted furniture...

This is her porch, is this beautiful or what?

What about this stack of pillows? Very unexpected!

The chenille seat on this chair is so charming!

Kathy even found this tea cart and chairs and updated them to her style!

These flowers were made from coffee filters, I'll have to go back and see how they were done...

A shot of her living room...very charming and welcoming....

Have you seen a blog that you loved? Are you interested in being a part of Sunday Blog Love? Please let me know and I'd be interested in starting a monthly party for you to share you recent great blog!

Talk at ya later!


  1. I've never seen that blog before but I will for sure check it looks lovely!

    I think a blog discovery party would be an awesome idea, I would definitely participate!!!

  2. What a beautiful blog! Thank you for sharing. :o) I will be heading there for sure.
    Have a nice day.
    :o) Trish
