
Friday, March 2, 2012

Guest Post - The Cottage Market

Hi everyone, my name is Andrea from The Cottage Market.  I am honored to be guest posting today for my dear bloggy friend Terry!  Today we are going make a simple 
Bunting Frame!
I will give you the basics and then you can create from all the little treasures you have in your stash (you know you have one : ) It's a versatile little creation that I am sure you will enjoy.  The most fun is that you make it your own by putting your creative spin to it!

Here's our Bunting Frame...

 What will we need?

Start with a plain frame or you can use and old frame...the choice is yours! You will also need some scraps of material...thread and needle and some embellishments.

I then gave the frame a few coats of white paint...Allowed it to dry and then sanded it and shabbied up a bit on the edges!  SOOOOOO easy...then I put a flat varnish over it.

Now you take your favorite fabrics and cut the size triangles that you will need to fit the frame you are working with and then simply thread your needle (I used a coat thread for durability) and do a simple stitch connecting the triangles...I found that I liked them close together...continue till you have the bunting the width that you need.

When you have the length you want...

Simply glue your favorite embellishments between each little flag or leave plain if you would like!  The possibilities are endless...little buttons...stars...rhinestones and so on and so on!

Now Simply add your bunting to your favorite frame...start by attaching it to the right corner (I use a little dab of hot works instantly and I love that!)...

Now continue to put little dabs of glue right where you want the bunting to fall...

If you would can add a few little embellishments to the bottom...not necessary but fun!  I took 3 flowers and twisted them together to make a little bouquet...added a bow made from bakers twine and a flower and simply glued them to the wood...

and there you have it!  A pretty little bunting frame!  You have the basics and now you can let your creative juices run wild and create something perfect for someone special or your own home...I just hope you enjoy and CREATE!!!!

Hope to see you all sometime! 
to all!

Terry writes:
What a cute picture frame Andrea!  If you'd like to purchase one of these cute frames, click right here...and also available in aqua...two Etsy stores too!!

If you'd like to become a guest blogger, send me an email at

Thank you Andrea!


  1. Andrea this is so beautiful some of my favorite colors...such a great job showing.
    How nice to see you as a guest here.
    Hugs sweetie

  2. Terry...thank you so much for having me! : ) Hope your readers enjoyed it! I will talk with you soon. sending tons of hugs and love!

  3. What a happy and pretty design, tfs!

  4. Such a happy little bunting! Thanks for the tutorial, Andrea! ♥

  5. Pretty, and so easy I might could do it! :-)
    Thanks, Dorothy

  6. Hi,
    I'm your newest follower. I linked over from Cottage Market. It's so nice to meet you!!!

  7. I am visiting from cottage market :) What a fun tutorial and your blog is truly beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration.


  8. Andrea, this is adorable. Love the little bunting!

  9. Hi Terry, I'm a new follower via L.F! Love Andrea's bunting!

  10. Hey Terry I'm a new follower popping over from The Cottage Market! I have always loved these frames in Andreas shop! This is a wonderful tutorial! God bless, Jennifer

  11. So pretty! I love bunting and it's just sweet on the frame!
