
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sunday Blog Love - Linky Party

Thanks for stopping by today!
This week has been so hot that I haven't ventured outside to do any spray paint projects...
With the 4th of July in the middle of the week, we stayed home
and pretty much did nothing...
it was a nice day to stay inside and keep cool...

Let me show you my top picks from last weeks party...
First off is a double pick from Aimee and Twigg Studio...
And the most viewed link from last week was....

Feel free grab the featured button to add to your blog.
Let's get the party starting for this weekend!

All kinds of posts are welcome--whether it's about your family, a craft project,
thrifty find, a favorite recipe or maybe it's decorating your home or a giveaway....

The only requirement must link back to my party...
(besides it's blogger ettiquette to link back...)
Not required but if you become a follower - then you know if you've been featured....
and will also be added to my Sunday Blog Love board on Pinterest.


  1. I am thrilled that people liked my post about "SKYPE" fabric shopping. This week we "SKYPED" recovering a chair! Isn't technology wonderful!
    Thanks for always having such great parties!

  2. Thank you for hosting! It's really hot here, too. I hope the rains come soon! -Marci

  3. Hi Terry, thanks so much for hosting. Its awful hot here in Texas also. Have a good week.

  4. Terry, Thank you for hosting :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Greetings from Australia♥

  5. thankyou so much for featuring two of my projects, i hope you have a great day xxxxxx

  6. Thanks for hosting the party. I have linked up and look forward to visiting some of the other links. The features from last week are wonderful! I especially love the flower tutorial - so pretty!

  7. It is always fun to be here Terry!! Love your posts and your inspiration!
    have a great week!
    What Meegan makes
