
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sunday Blog Love - Linky Party

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Our temps have been in the upper 90's for several weeks now
and thankfully we are experiencing cooler temps...
the upper 70's and we're able to shut off the air conditioning
and open up the windows and let the fresh air in...

Before I show my favorites from last week's party,
I need to send out a huge thank you to all
who linked up last weekend and also a thank you
to those that left a comment.
Comments are one of the most appreciated things for us bloggers,
so please take some time from your busy life and leave a comment or two...

Let me show you my favorites from last weeks party!

28 Things Your Family Needs to Hear You Say

Entry Closet Makeover Reveal

Dorm Rooms 101

And the most viewed from last week is/was...

Foil Monogram Pinterest Project

Once again I want to say thank you to all who linked up last weekend and
to those who left a comment!

Feel free grab the featured button to add to your blog.
Let's get the party starting for this weekend!

All kinds of posts are welcome--whether it's about your family, a craft project,
thrifty find, a favorite recipe or maybe it's decorating your home or a giveaway....

The only requirement must link back to my party...
(besides it's blogger ettiquette to link back...)
Not required but if you become a follower - then you know if you've been featured....
and will also be added to my Sunday Blog Love board on Pinterest.

Have a great weekend!
Don't forget to check out my giveaway going on HERE too!


  1. You chose some great features from last weeks party. My favorite is the 'Foil Monogram Pinterest Project' - it's on my very long 'to do' list. Thanks for hosting the party. I have linked up and ook forward to visiting some of the other links.

  2. Thanks for the fun party, great features!

  3. Thank you for featuring my foil monogram this week! Can't wait to check out the other great features!

  4. Thanks for hosting the party! Thank you, also, for featuring my shutter caddy.

  5. What a fun party! Thanks for hosting, it's my first time here! Enjoy your weekend.

  6. My first visit here. Thank you for providing a linking party!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  7. Thanks for hosting, Terry :) Lovely features. Wishing you a great weekend! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  8. Thank you so much for the feature! I really appreciate it!

  9. Many thanks for having me today. hope your Sunday is wonderful!

    Best wishes from Down Under!
    Natasha in Oz

  10. Thank you so much for hosting. :-) Peggy

  11. Thanks for hosting the awesome party. I think you have some good features. I like "the things your family should here you say".
    Have a great day!
    Rose @

  12. Terry, thank you so much for holding a great party each week! Awesome features too :)Have a great week- hugs, Tanya

  13. Hi Terry - I'm your newest follower - and linked up tonight - hope you will stop by to see me and follow along too. Deb

  14. Thanks so much for hosting. I am now following you here and on Pinterest. Please come visit me at THANKS.
