
Thursday, July 19, 2012

WOYWW - Utter Chaos!

Lately I haven't been inspired to create anything....and it's because my workspace is super messy...

But I love this linky party, What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday!

I'm pretty sure, the pictures I am about to show are not what
the intention of this party is!

My workspace has become a dumping ground and more projects stacking up

and it's become a little overwhelming...

I've got a couple of recent purchases here..and I don't want to put them away because I'll forget to use them...

I got this cute owl Oak Hill Vintage
with the thought of spray painting it...but now I'm not sure if I should...what do you think?

I bought this lot of distress stains off eBay - I just need to take the packaging off and put them away...
but here they sit...

And then I started working on a ribbon flower and then my sewing machine died...
kind of bummed about looking for a cheap sewing machine...
and this project is on hold...probably should put this away for now....

On the left side of my workspace is where things really pile up quickly....

And more projects just waiting to be started, finished...every stage of a project is here....

More purchases piling up...then I decided to join a club called Birchbox. It's a monthly package of sample size beauty and lifestyle products...not very impressed with the first one I received...probably give this to my daughter....

And last but not least on my workspace..I made a wedding card and our cat, Charlie, climbed up on the table and chewed up the envelope...
he is the only cat of ours that chews on things...
thankfully he didn't chew up the card...

Tomorrow I am off work at noon and I'll be coming home (after a pedicure) to
get my dumping ground all cleaned up...
so I can get inspired and start working on all of my projects...

Thanks for stopping by...
please leave a comment and let me know if I should spray paint that owl or leave it as it is....

Tomorrow - another giveaway from one of my sponsors...Isaboo Designs


  1. Hi there! believe me, your desk is not the untidiest on WOYWW!!! You've got a lot of lovely things on the go and some interesting stash.
    I think you should spray the owl - he's quite shy and retiring at the moment and I think he needs to be Loud and Proud!!
    Hugs, LLJ ~70 xx

  2. Bummer that your sewing machine died! Mine seems on its last leg and I swear it costs more to have it worked on than to get a new one!

    In your chaos you have a lot of cool stuff. I am loving that bling!

    Hope your back to creating soon!

  3. i think that's all it takes really - a good clear up and put-away of stuff and then suddenly, the blank space on the desk is all inspiring! Hope you found it so, anyway. Enjoyed looking through your 'piles' though!

  4. Feel in good company. I have just dumped everything from my recent trip after promising myself i would not collect all the free travel magazines at each welcome center I now have 3 huge bags of stuff. Now where are the plans for the next project? under all the stuff of course. perhaps you can get pussycat to chew creatively!

  5. hmmmmmmmm, would be more than happy to hold that TH stuff for you so you don't have to exert yourself by putting it up! I am only thinking of you :0 Looks like you had a great haul! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :) #50

  6. Lovely lot of stash - what a wonderful hive of activity!

    I'm desperately trying to complete the list and visit every desk from last week's WOYWW before midnight!! Hence the very belated happy WOYWW greeting from me,

