
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunday Blog Love Linky Party

Yeah! It's the weekend, and I'm going to visiting my daughter and granddaughter and doing a few things around her house that I plan on sharing with you in the next couple of days or so.

Thanks for stopping by last weekend and sharing a wide variety of projects!

Let me show you my favorites from last weekend

and the most viewed from last week is/was

Feel free grab the featured button to add to your blog
Thank you to all who linked up last weekend and to those who left a comment!

Now it's your time to share again!
All kinds of posts are welcome--whether it's about your family, a craft project,
thrifty find, a favorite recipe or maybe it's decorating your home or a giveaway....

The only requirement must link back to my party...
(besides it's blogger ettiquette to link back...)
Not required but if you become a follower - then you'll know if you've been featured....
and will also be added to my Sunday Blog Love board on Pinterest.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I hope you have a fun time with your girls! Thank you for hosting the party! -Marci

  2. Thanks for hosting the party. You selected some great features from the last party. The 'Banana Split Trifle' looks sinfully delicious! Enjoy your weekend with the family.

  3. Oh wow that banana split trifle looks awesome.

    Thank you for hosting!

  4. Thanks so much for featuring my Queen of the Jungle baby shower. I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Thank you for featuring my Sharpie tip! And thank you for hosting each week. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Thank you for hosting, Terry! Have a great time with your girls :) The trifle looks divine! ~Pernilla

  7. The trifle looks great. Thanks for having me Terry, your party sounds great, happy to be here! Have a Happy Sunday.

  8. I also just became your follower and hope you'd like to do the same. I'm also taking your party button to my side bar. Thank you again.

  9. Thanks for hosting Terry!! I always love your parties and features! The trifle looks incredible!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  10. Thank you for featuring my nappy cake tutorial :)
    Have linked up again this week.
    Have a nice weekend

  11. Thank you SO So much for the feature! Hope you're having a really nice weekend! Thanks for hosting!

  12. Hi Terry,

    I'm excited to be joining everyone as this is my first time with Sunday Blog Love. Wonderful features from last week and thank you for hosting.

  13. Thank you so much for hosting Terry! Have a wonderful week, and enjoy your girls

    xoxo, Tanya

  14. Thank you so much for hosting! So glad I found your party!! :)
