
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Show Us Your Roosters Party TIme

It's time for Show Us Your Roosters Party!

I only have one rooster, and I love it. I'm always looking for another one but it has to be white.

Be sure to stop over at Bella Vista for more Rooster love!

Side note: It's been a tough week at work, two of my employees were let go due to job elmination. One employee had been with the company for 25 years and the other would have been there for 13 years on Sunday. One employee was very professional and the other - not so professional.


  1. Hi Terry,
    Love your lone rooster - you know if you have more then one they fight and then they have no tail feathers....LOL !
    I am sorry to hear about your employees...I lost my job a little over a year ago (had it for 22 years) but, now I have a job I really love - I think that it will turn out o.k. - even though now it is kinda sad....That big guy upstairs will watch after them....

  2. I am DIEING for a white rooster...your's is beautiful.
    Oh, sorry about the people losing their jobs. Our neighbor just lost his, too. Been there over 25 years, has a wife, son and daughter. Good grief..when will it end? I am so scared of our president..he is acting really weird with his HURRY HURRY..PUSH IT THROUGH!! Scares me!
