
Monday, April 26, 2010

Thrifty Finds

I stayed away from thrifting this weekend since I'll be out thrifting on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday. This week offically starts the rummage season with the biggest rummage and it's a lot of fun to see what people are selling and see what we end up buying.

I've hadthis cute lady bug teapot for awhile now and got her at Goodwill. I've been waiting for the weather to warm up so that I could show her off.

I also found this teapot at Goodwill this winter. I tend to find my best finds off season, now is a good time to find Christmas things.

At Easter time, Crystal and I went shopping and I found these violets. They look so real and came with the egg crate.

And here it is together on our covered deck. I like that everything stays dry and clean, especially since this weekend has been cool and rainy.

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  1. CUTE finds...luv that teapot! Hope you have a FUN week:)


  2. Cute teapot! I was just looking at your sidebar, and your Groucho looks a lot like my Max, with the little mustache! My husband wanted to name Max Groucho as well! (I preferred Max, and I obviously won!!)
    Cute blog!
    Selina xx

  3. Love the fun teapot and such great finds. I keep saying I am going to show all my thrifty finds and then I forget. I try to frequent Goodwill at least weekly if I can.

  4. Lovely teapot...can't resist anything with a ladybird. Hope all is well in your world :)

  5. Since the name of my blog is A Conversation at Goodwill, it is needless to say that I spend a lot of time at Goodwill.
