
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Backyard

We've spent the past two weekends working on the backyard, okay DH did most of the work...I was there for moral support - right DH?

See the huge pile of mulch bags on the patio? We ended up laying down 80 bags and could probably use another 30 bags to fill everything in nicely.

We had edging all around but wanted something a little higher because the rain would wash the mulch into the yard. We laid about 250 feet of this edging..

DH is hard at work here.

I decided to take some pictures and show you my birdhouse that I got last summer.

 This yard ornament came from Pier One, got it last weekend! I love Pier One!

This teacup and saucer are from Goodwill and we glued it on a copper pipe and put it in the yard.

Too soon to see much growth yet so things look kind of bare.

Here's the edging all done, doesn't it looks so nice..and neat?

My rhubarb plant, I've already made a yummy dessert on Sunday. I wished I had more than one plant.

One week later, things are really starting to pop up.

The teacart is a find from Goodwill this past winter. I'm hoping to paint two chairs this weekend to add to the space.

We also made a designated space for the tomato plants. We use to have two whiskey barrels and it wasn't very nice to look at.

We should be able to plant tomatoes and lots of flowers in the next couple of weeks!


  1. Awesome! We've been working on our yard too but it's nowhere near being done! Hopefully it will look as pretty as yours :) Great job.

  2. Everything looks so pretty and neat. I need to add mulch to my flower beds, but won't do it until the tree "squiggles" stop falling.
    Enjoy your weekend.
