
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crazy About Flowers

This week has not been a good week to work on any projects. At work, we've been working toward a goal for quarter end and I've been leaving the house at 6:30 am and getting home at 6 pm. As you can imagine, when I get home, we eat, watch a little TV and it's time for bed.

Lately I've been obsessed with making flowers from scrapbook paper, tissue paper, burlap, coffee filters and material.

I have no project in mind when making these, but I love trying to make a variety of these flowers.

So last Saturday, it was rainy & cold and a great day to stay inside.

And I wanted to put my Cricut to use along with the Hello Kitty & Calendard cartridge that I have.

And here's my October calendar to hang in on my bulletin board.

And I also dismantled this bulletin board, especially after I mispelled "CREATE".

And I spray painted the frame white and added some pink paisley fabric...

On the list of to do's this week is

  1. Organizing the office/scrapbooking room.

  2. Buy some shelving tomorrow & hang it up

  3. Put the bulletin board up.

  4. Watch the Vikings

The weekends seem to go by way too fast.
Hope your enjoying yours!

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party! Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special 



  1. Oh, this is so pretty and your room is so organized! I am dying to learn how to make the fabric roses...its on my bucket list. Giggle!

  2. What a pretty bulletin board. :O)

  3. Those satin fabric flowers are lovely! I tried it for the first time the other day, and used them to decorate a card:

    See here if you want!

