
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring - Ready or Not, Here I Come! Giveaway Winner Announced!

We woke up this morning to -21 degrees wind chill, just a tad cold here!
I'm preparing for spring and thought I'd show you what would greet you if you came to our home...

I love terrariums and use them year round.

On the bottom shelf is a vintage picnic basket that I got at a junk sale.
The watering can came from eBay..many years ago.

I love handpainted watering cans, don't you?

Here's a close up of the terrarium, the garden tools and another watering can also came from eBay...

I've had these things for many years now...

Another glimspe inside...

I've also added a flameless candle inside that comes on at night...

I just wish that spring would get here...

because I am ready!!!

Now, on to the winner of my drawing...

First I must thank everyone who entered, I love giveaways...

I am not patient enough to figure out the linky thingie so I cut up all the comments and

Lil from Thinking Out Loud is the winner!


Please send me an email with your mailing address and I'll get this packaged up and in the mail.
I'm linking to these parties.


  1. Very cute! We've been talking all morning about being ready for Spring. I'm so over being cold!

  2. where did you get your terrarium? i've been wanting one forever. thanks for sharing this at my party. looks great.

  3. What a lucky winner. She is getting some real lovelies.

  4. It all looks so wonderfully put together! Thanks for sharing

  5. Hey Terry! Thanks so much for linking up to my Treasures and Trinkets's every Thursday and you're more than welcome to join in each week! :) (I usually have the post up on Wednesday though, as you can tell) :)
    I LOVE your terrarium's so pretty and looks so springy! You poor thing with your cold temps!! Oh MY, that's cold! We actually have sun and the 60's here today...SO much better than the 3 degrees we had a couple of weeks ago! I'm MORE than ready for spring! :)
    Hope you have a great day and come visit again! PS your blog header is so lovely!

  6. I really like what you did with that terrarium. :D

  7. That is just to cold for me. Really like your touches of Spring.
    Congratulations to the winner!

  8. Everything is beautiful. Love all the touches of spring. I would love for you to come and join the Winter Blues Wednesday link party I am hosting. Hope to see you there.

  9. The Cranky QueenMarch 02, 2011 7:44 PM

    Love that you are getting ready for Spring even though the winter blues linger...I cannot imagine that type of cold (I am from the South). Love the painted garden tools. Please sneak a peek at my blog I would love you to leave a comment or advice and follow. Have an awesome weekend. Keep Junkin' tiff

  10. Loving all of the little gardening tools!!

  11. Very cute-love the pastells. Thanks for stopping by today. Glad to have you.

  12. I am anxious for spring and your little vignette looks great! Thanks for linking up to my Share the Love party, hope you'll be back next week.

  13. Beautiful spring time display. I love the terrarium. I have several too and usually do a bird and birdnest display in them. I love the delicate soft colors you have used in yours. ~~Sherry~~

  14. Love that terrarium! Hope it starts to warm up for you very soon!

  15. Very sweet prize.
    I must confess... in the tiny thumbnail in the linky party it looked like a razor and I fully expected you were preparing to rid yourself of your winter "coat" for spring capri pants and shorts. :0)

    Hope you warm up soon... if not, join us here in South Central Texas. it was about 80 today...

    I'm visiting from the "Night Owl Crafting" party.


  16. ok....

    i'm totally laughing right now, because i too, like sara thought it was a razor in the linky party.


    after coming over, however your collection is just beautiful.

    thanks for linking up to the SPRING FLING!

    happy weekend.

  17. It looks lovely! I cant believe how cold it is there! Its definitely spring in Florida.

    Visiting from Serenity Now!

  18. Hi, Terry. Love the terrarium! I have a similar watering can, but yours is much cuter. ;)

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. Have fun finding a a few good reads, and I hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)

  19. Your spring display looks so nice. My house is decorated for winter now and I'm more than ready to change things out to spring.

  20. very nice! I'm so ready for spring too!

  21. Ready or not - here it comes, SPRING! What a fabulous way to celebrate the renewing of the plants and blooms! I love the mini greenhouse vignette!
    Glad I followed the Saturday Nite Special blog party on over here! Pop on by and say hi :

  22. How sweet! I need spring to come too!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie last week! I can't wait to see what you have for this week!

  23. what a pretty spring vignette - I think we are all anxious for spring with it's flowers and warm breezes!
