
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today's Thrify Treasures

I'm excited to see that Rhoda at Southern Hospitality is hosting
It's so much fun to see what others have picked up at thrift stores or maybe yard sales over the weekend.
Last Sunday, as we were leaving Goodwill, I happen to see a huge bag of ribbon...

The bag had to weigh at least 20 pounds.. 

I took everything out and separated the items(or tried in the beginning) on the kitchen table..

Look at this pile of lose fibers! I even some tossed over the top of a chair..

there wer also a whole lot of cross stitching kits..unopened!

and quite a few white flowers that I'll be changing to other colors with Glimmer Mist for upcoming paper crafting..

And I loved finding these baby rubber stamps and blue and pink saftey pin embellishments..

 But there was soooo much ribbon, I tried to color code it..

but the table got so full that after awhile, I was just stacking it according to the size of the spool..

And because there's only so much ribbon that I need, I'm going to put together some bundles to sell later on this week on my blog...

I'm linking to these parties...

And I'm having blogging issues today - sure wish my right had column widgets were in the right place...


  1. Wow, what wonderful craft loot! I so wish I lived near a Goodwill! I know you'll be making lots of beautiful things with that stash. :)

    Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

  2. You can find some really great stuff at Goodwill sometimes! :-)

  3. What a great find you got! Someone must have been cleaning out or giving up crafting. You are one lucky lady.

  4. You really hit the jackpot! Have fun with your new crafty supplies.

  5. What an excellent ribbon find! *awesome*
