
Monday, March 12, 2012

Organizing My Bathroom

Like many of us, I have a small space to store our bathroom supplies...
and the space was getting over run with products that I didn't use anymore..

But yesterday, with the wonderful spring weather,
I felt like purging and reorganizing this space...
I use plastic containers that I got at Wal-Mart to oraganize our bathroom...
and the lazing susan holds the Tylenol. Pepto Bismol, dedorant, prescriptions and
items that I use more often...

In the lowest cabinet, I have two more organizers and hold extras of soap,
toothpaste, q-tips, my hair stuff...and DH has his things in one container...
So I took everything shelf out at a time..
and got rid of so much stuff ....

Let me show you the after now....

Everything fits so nicely on the lazy susan...
and I even found some things I forgot that I had...

Then in the shelf below the lazy susan is my two smaller organizers..
the top drawer holds my face cleaner and head band..

and the second drawer holds the q-tips and cotton make up pads....

and I even ended up with an empty drawer!

Quite awhile ago, I went through the nail polish and tossed most of it out..
only a few polishes remain along with a small container of nail polish remover...

And the bottom drawer is where I keep all those samples out of magazines...
and I use them whenever we travel instead of taking my full size products...

Then in the bottom cabinet, I'm only going to show you
my things..guys don't really have things we want to look at

The top drawer holds my hair things...
the drawer is the perfect height and length since the
hair products are usually tall and
they weren't easy to grab when they were standing up...

We happen to go to Sams and I bought a lifetime supply of razors...
and I dumped them in this drawer along with items that I use but not that often....

On the bottom shelf I keep the extra soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
lotion, razors, bug spray...etc...

Then on the left side of the shelf, this organizer holds my makeup...
I tend to rotate between Bare Minerals and Laura Geller...
I'm a almost reformed QVC addict...
this drawer holds the foundation things...

Oh, I also love Bobbie Brown makeup..
and the second drawer holds different blushes...

The third step is eye makeup and this is my supply...
I threw out lots of eye shadows and brushes that were in bad shape..

The fourth drawer holds some of my extra supplies...

The bottom drawer holds my extra makeup brushes...
I really threw out a bunch of these...
and found out that I still have plenty of brushes....

The next space I tackled was the vanity area...
kind of hard to see but on the shelf is my hair dryer
and in the plastic container is curling iron, several flat irons(which are never used)...
and a cord to charge my Mia...

Then under the bathroom sink this is what it used to look like...
a little of this and that and whatever didn't fit elsewhere got stashed here...

So I took the plastic container from under the sink and moved it to the left side
drawer...and purged some more...

This organizer holds the aids..thermometer...
but when I purged, I ended up with another empty drawer!

Cold and allergy medicine, cough drops, thermometer...
it's so nice to have this all together instead of looking in a different places...
especially not fun when your sick!

and band-aids, bandages and neosporin all together....

Now for under the sink..

I used a basket that I already had, to store the bathroom cleaning products..
I've found many great wicker containers at Goodwill...
I think I won this one at work a few years ago....

I moved the seldom used hair styling things to this area...

I stuffed all those cosmetic bags into a bigger one and zipped it up and
stored it in the back of the wicker basket...

Can't even tell the bag is in the back...
and everything fits in nicely...

Loving this spring like weather..but not liking the time change
and losing one hour....
Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Linking to these parties
Metamorphis Monday
and don't forget to join my party going on right here


  1. Do you do house calls? Could you help me???? It must be nice to start your day so organized. Great job!!!

    Ricki Jill

  2. Don't you just love fresh clean organized spaces. I love all the drawers. Great idea. I might have to see if I can find something smaller to fit under my cabinet. I am sure they make the three drawer kind that would fit.

  3. This is a great idea! I'm going to have to use these for my products too! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I was so drawn to this post because we are looking at a house to build and I will be giving up some bathroom storage space. I love the idea of the drawer organizers. I have 2 of them, stcked, on my make up table to hold my make up supplies. I wish you had a picture of the whole area so I could get an idea of the space. Thanks for the ideas. XO, Pinky

  5. did a great job!!! Feels so good doesn't it??? I am in the middle of my bathroom closet also...and threw out tons of stuff!!! Love how yours shaped up, mine should be done tomorrow, whew!!!

  6. Now this is something I need to do. Re-organize the bathroom cabinet but it just wears me out to think about it. But it is on my to-do list. I love your idea of using a lazy susan, what a great tip.

  7. That's a terrific job! Probably one of the last "organizing" projects anyone wants to do and you made it look easy (I'm sure it wasn't). Kudos!

  8. I've been meaning to organize my bathroom for eons now, but my laziness won't permit me to do so. Hehehe. The lazy susan is a nice touch!

  9. Nice! You just reminded me to organize my bathroom stuff too. I wanted to put in little cabinets to store stuff in, but I just can’t find ones that matches the red and white theme of the bathroom. Then, because I was busy with work, I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding and for the tips! =)

  10. The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in the house. That’s why it is only important to clean and organize regularly. Creative use of space and functional accessories like those plastic containers will make your bathroom look much more aesthetically pleasing, not to mention more economical with the space. And that’s particularly advantageous if you have a small bathroom. You did a good job, Terry!
