
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 11 Planners Addict Challenge - Sections

I'm a little behind in sharing my Filofax for the photo-a-day challenge.
Today it's Day 11 - Sections.
Sections can be whatever you want them to be.
Remember in school when you had the subject notebooks and they were
separated by each subject. Well, this is the grown up version of that
and you can add whatever you want your sections to be.
Let me show you a few of my sections.
I've shared a few of my calendar pages, and that's the first section in my Filofax.
My dividers are made from the Heidi Swapp Sugar Chic collection.

One of my sections is "Books to Read", how many times have you heard about a book you want to read, I've got the perfect spot to jot the name down for later referencing.

I also have a section for notes, to do and CTMH.
Having a Filofax aka planner is a great way to keep track of
those everyday things in one compact place.
Thanks for stopping by today!
Wishing you all a great Saturday.


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