
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 22 & 23 Planner Addicts Challenge

Day 22: Post It Notes and Flags
It was fun to pull out my collection of post it notes!
Did you know that Target has so many to pick from in the $1 section?

Day 23: To Do
One of the reasons I have a Filofax is to help me remember what I want to get done.
This to do list is for this weekend.
While some people spend their weekends working on projects around the home such as cleaning,
I try to get my cleaning done during the week so my weekends are for doing my own projects.

Thanks for stopping by today!
You can also find me here.
and I'm also on instagram: thansen78


  1. I was at Target today and forget to check the Dollar Spot...darn! What a cute collection you have.

  2. تلعب شركات طلمبات ومضخات الحريق دورًا حاسمًا في الحفاظ على الأمان عن طريق تركيب وصيانة أنظمة إطفاء الحرائق والالتزام بالمعايير واللوائح الصارمة. وتلك الشركات تعمل جاهدة لضمان جاهزية الأنظمة وتوفير حلول فعالة لمواجهة حالات الطوارئ المحتملة والحفاظ على سلامة الأفراد والممتلكات.

  3. من بين المخاطر المحتملة لعلاج ضيق الشريان السباتي:

    - نزف
    - التهاب
    - انسداد دعامة
    - خثارات دموية
    - فشل كلوي
