About ten years ago, I had a root canal, and in that time, that tooth has continued to bother me off and on. Last week I went to the dentist complaining and the x-ray showed that I had a fractured root canal. It was decided that the tooth needed to be pulled and I ended up missing two-and-a-half days of work. I felt better before the tooth was pulled! So needless to say, this past weekend was a take it easy kind of weekend.
But, I still made it to Goodwill (come on - life goes on, right?), I just didn't go running around that I like would normally do. Oops, I went to Hobby Lobby too..
Here's a few of my finds...love this basket - for organizing magazines. I buy used magazines on eBay but need to do an inventory to make sure I don't buy the same one twice.
Got this book for $.75!
There's a ton of Christmas stuff at Goodwill now. I have too much the way it is but I got this for a buck - I plan on hanging it in my kitchen window very soon! Aren't these so dang cute?
I didn't get this book this weekend, but it was one of my great finds at $1.

And because I was speaking about magazines, here's my newest magazine I got this weekend. This might be the start of another collection and possibly needing another basket? LOL

Sounds like I need to make a trip there to start loading up on Christmas stuff!!
Your a lady after my own heart! I think I could make it to Goodwill on one leg! And, if I had a Hob Lob there would be no stopping me! LOL
Hope your tooth has setlled down - root canals are no fun at all! Hobby Lobby was one of my favourite stores when i lived in texas. Love all your goodwill treasures.
Hey Terry! I can sure commiserate with you! I've been having more than my fair share of dental issues lately. I think my body's rejecting my teeth! LOL I just had a root canal a few days ago, and I'm going in next week to have my permanent crown "installed". The temp crown has been giving me sooo much trouble. Then, I have to have 2 more root canals, 5 fillings, and eventually an implant placed where I had to have a tooth pulled a few years ago. I really do brush my teeth . . . honestly, a lot!
Anyway, I feel your pain! I just purchased that mag too this past week (while I was at the pharmacy waiting to get my 800 mg's of Ibuprofen filled after my root canal). Lots of great stuff in it.
Looks like you score at Goodwill. I have that Gooseberry Patch book - have had for years. My local Goodwill never has good stuff. I get so jealous seeing some of the great stuff all you ladies in Blogland find at yours.
Hope you're feeling better. Happy Halloween!
Wow! What a steal on your Gooseberry Patch book! Way to go!
Don't you love that magazine? I picked it up recently too!!! Thanks for visiting our blog.
teri @ acraftyclan
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