Welcome again to a Metamorphis Monday at
Between Naps On The Porch and also to
Thrifty Decor Chick and her Spray Paint Party. Make sure to check out both sites to see what others have been busy with.
I've got a few projects going on this weekend. First I did a lot of thrift shopping on Saturday not to mention during the week with spray painting and moving things around.
So my metamorphis and spray painting project have to do with some decorative mirrors that I got at an auction last year and had been in storage. They were a nice enough gold color, but I wanted it a different color,

perhaps white?

I didn't really like them as white so I used a metal spray paint that I liked much more so.

Here's the before...

I took out the mirrors and added some decorative scrapbook paper and I really like it. And after....

Now I'll be on the hunt to fill that wall!
My DH ended up doing most of the work for the next project. At the top of the steps we've had a Terry Redlin picture for 10 years(not in this spot but throughout the house) and yesterday I bought a wall decal. This was not an easy project, the walls are really textured and it took quite a bit of time. But the end result looks darn good - now I just need to add some pictures to the frames.
The way it's always been....

And after....

Has anybody else had trouble putting these decals on the walls? I want to do more but if it's this hard, this might be the only one that goes up.
But then because I've got too many things going on at the same time...I've been working on my office....and I found this set of three turquoise metal pots with tray at Goodwill. Although the color isn't bad, I knew this would be a white spray paint project and it turned out really cute!

I spray painted them white and added some cute decals. I'm not sure that I like to decals but for now it works. I'm going to use this to store, pens, makers & scissors.

So many projects and so litte time!
I might actually be glad to go to work tomorrow and rest...maybe....
Please ezxcuse if I have typos or grammar mistakes, I am so tired...but I got a lot of stuff done this weekend..oh and DH was sure a great helper, and he's a keeper..
Happy Monday!