Next weekend is our town annual citywide rummage and this year I am determined
to reduce and elimate the need for a storage unit..
DH and I spent today going through our unit and started pulling out containers
and brought them home for the rummage sale..
Here's one side of the unit...I have so many tubs full of Christmas things...
I'm a sucker for Christmas things..but I am committed to reducing what I have...
and that means everything in the unit...seriously needs to be purged...
In the middle of the storage unit is where the snow blower is kept in the summer
and in the winter time, the lawn mower stays here...
And now after we went through all the containers,
this is what is considered...the good stuff...
My flower pots and outside things are still in the unit to be used after the sale is over...
If our weather ever warms up's been in the 40's lately...
Here's what's left over of the Christmas things and
there are three tubs that hold a set of dishes/acessories that I can't part with....
there are three tubs that hold a set of dishes/acessories that I can't part with....
Next step is to pull things out under the steps in the house
Purging is hard work...
but I'm going with the theory of
"Less is Really More"
For the next two weeks, I'll be busy getting ready for the rummage...
I did go to a city wide rummage this week in Sioux Falls and I'll show you my finds very soon
as well as what my daughter found for many cute baby girl clothes..and of!
Does your city/town have a city wide rummage?
as well as what my daughter found for many cute baby girl clothes..and of!
Does your city/town have a city wide rummage?
I've got a new sponsor...Isaboo Designs and a giveaway later on this week!
Linking to these parties...
Thrifty Treasures

Thanks for stopping by!
If you haven't done so, please join my Sunday Blog Love party going on right here...
Wishing you a wonderful week!